Ignite Code With Us

Ignite Code With Us

Welcome to Ignite Code With Us, an ongoing series of hands on, live coding workshops with Ignite engineers and builders. The workshops offer you the opportunity to practice and expand your skill set, ask questions and discover new use cases for Ignite.

We'll be hosting a Code With Us session on a specific tutorial or topic once a month, and invite you to join us. You can add the Code With Us calendar here.

Workshop Calendar

šŸ—“ļø Upcoming

šŸ“¹ Recorded

Workshop: Creating the Decentralised Verification Module

Date: Wednesday June 26th 1-2pm CET
Host: Tobias Schwarz, Solutions Engineer for Ignite
Watch it on YouTube ā€” Ignite Tutorial

Workshop: How to Create an Ignite Wasm Chain and Use Your First CW20 on Your Own L1 Chain

Date: Friday May 3rd at 10am-11am CET
Host: Tobias Schwarz, Solutions Engineer for Ignite
See on Youtube ā€” Ignite Tutorial